Cyber 事件响应

只要看看持续不断的新闻周期,就会明白企业在突发的网络攻击面前是多么脆弱. 因此, 当今组织快速有效地响应计算机安全事件的能力从未像现在这样重要. 对网络和计算机攻击作出适当的反应可以避免不必要的损失, over-extending internal resources, 并提供必要的信息,以作出如何向前发展的关键决定.


明升体育app下载事件响应方法利用NIST-800-61计算机安全事件处理指南来确定关键问题的答案, 如:

  • When did the incident occur? 发现入侵者在被发现之前已经在网络上潜伏了几个月的情况并不罕见. 因此, 正确的分析是必要的,以找出事件最初发生的时间,以便您可以确定暴露的时间范围.
  • Where did the incident occur? Determining the point of initial compromise, and all locations of the compromise, is paramount to properly contain and eradicate the threat.
  • 有什么风险?? 数据泄露可以说是组织最担心的事件之一. This is an area where a thorough forensic analysis is beneficial. 仅仅因为系统被入侵并不总是意味着敏感数据被获取. Understanding the extent of the compromise is vital to determine next steps.
  • How did the incident occur? 了解事件的根本原因将为适当的补救提供所需的详细信息. 明升体育app下载事件响应报告提供了即时和长期的补救措施,以建立针对类似攻击的弹性.

Our goal is to leverage our extensive security and 数字取证 专业知识,协助明升体育app下载客户通过计算机安全事件,同时努力减少整体影响,尽可能. 在许多情况下,能够在计算机安全事件中回答这些问题是至关重要的.

事件响应 Plans

事件响应计划是记录如何处理事件的计划/程序. While the contents may vary from organization to organization, most consist of standard operating procedures, 流程, and communication 计划s. [Link to blog titled “事件响应 Frequently Asked Questions”]

事件响应 Programs and Training

我们还与组织合作,将其事件响应计划提升为主动事件响应 项目. To assist our clients with this transition, LBMC网络安全设计并提供自定义事件响应桌面练习. 经验表明,这种持续改进的小投资将带来更快的响应时间, better communications, and lower costs when an incident does occur.

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Malware Compromise Assessment

明升体育app下载恶意软件危害评估是在大多数组织都有被动的恶意软件保护方法的前提下设计的. 每年有数十亿美元花费在检测攻击者的产品上, yet massive data breaches happen on a near-weekly basis.

最近的研究表明,从妥协到被发现之间的时间, known as the “compromise detection gap,” averages five to eight months. In more than two-thirds of cases, 被入侵的组织首先会收到第三方的泄露通知, such as law enforcement.


Dissolvable Agents 保存 Time and Money

在过去, 彻底的威胁搜索服务需要在每台计算机上安装和卸载完整的端点代理. 明升体育app下载恶意软件危害评估不需要安装完整的客户端代理. 它在Windows和Linux端点上使用创新的“可溶解”代理来收集这些信息. This shortens the project timeline to a few weeks as opposed to many months.

Threat Intelligence and Malware Analysis

LBMC 网络安全’s threat intelligence uses a large catalog of data, including open-source threat intelligence from multiple sources, up-to-the-minute data from CyberMaxx, and multiple commercial threat feeds. 对于无法通过威胁情报识别为良性或恶意的工件, we perform network traffic heuristics and manual malware analysis.


制定事件响应计划的最关键步骤是在真正的事件发生之前对计划进行压力测试. 问问你自己:

  • 你的计划是否包括了成功处理事故所需的一切?
  • Are the contacts and communication 计划s accurate to your organization?
  • Does it need revisions or updates?
  • Does it add any value outside of a checkbox for compliance?
  • How do you know if it actually provides the intended value?


我们能帮助设计和促进一个事件响应桌面会话来帮助你改进你的事件响应程序. Our team will provide consulting services to help you design, 计划, 并执行桌面练习来练习您的事件响应(IR)计划, 在发生安全事件时,帮助员工了解他们的义务和职责, and evaluate the IR 计划’s robustness concerning communication, 责任, 和治理. 测试还将包括结果文件和测试后的审查,以评估测试过程, specific responses, 成功, 失败, and lessons learned.

而不是做假设和简单地把事件响应文档放在架子上,并希望它是准确的, 最好使用桌面练习进行测试,以便在下一次事件发生之前对事件响应程序进行持续改进. Designed correctly, tabletop exercises can help you determine how well your people, 流程, and technologies are prepared for an incident. 更重要的是,随着时间的推移,这些练习可以让你改进准备工作.


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