When it comes to protecting sensitive data and systems, the stakes are high and can put a strain on your in-house resources. The stakes are especially high if you are in more heavily-regulated industries, 比如医疗保健或金融. You need security consulting from a partner with experience, 谁曾经历过你现在的处境,知道如何发现你的安全程序中的弱点.
At LBMC 网络安全, security is all we do. Our approaches to security risk assessments, HIPAA风险评估, 渗透测试, 网络事件响应是基于我们团队多年来领导安全职能的经验, 解决风险, and consulting on IT security for companies of all sizes and industries.
Why Seek 安全咨询服务?
创建一个安全的环境既需要对企业更大目标的理解,也需要安全专业人员之间清晰开放的沟通, 操作的领导人, 还有会议室.
明升体育app下载许多主题专家在多个领域接受交叉培训,可以根据需要提供IT/安全咨询. LBMC网络安全将在您指定的个人的指导下工作,并提供远程或现场协助.
创建一个安全的环境既需要了解客户更大的目标,也需要安全专业人员之间清晰开放的沟通, 操作的领导人, 还有会议室. LBMC网络安全团队包括屡获殊荣的安全专业人士,他们为各种规模的公司建立并运行了成功的信息安全计划. 我们与您并肩作战的经验意味着我们了解您面临的挑战,并知道如何设计实用的、可操作的、行之有效的信息安全项目计划,以及所有利益相关者都将接受的计划.
Targeted Subject Matter Expertise—Support Where You Need It
有时,您不需要从头开始彻底检查您的信息安全程序计划. 而不是, 您可能只需要用特定的安全专业知识来补充现有的功能. 明升体育app下载专业人员是一群具有高度资历和经验丰富的信息安全专业人员. That means we have the right IT security talent to complement your existing team. Here are just a few of our areas of expertise:
- Forensic analysis of security log information
- 渗透测试
- 医疗保险中心 & Medicaid 服务 (CMS) Minimum Security Requirements
- National Institute of Standards and 技术 (NIST) security control framework
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule
- 特定的认证, such as HITRUST Common Security Framework (CSF) Assessors, PCI合格安全评估员, 和注册会计师
Business-Focused Security Programs
我们利用我们在医疗保健和其他各种行业的丰富经验,协助您的组织进行安全计划开发,以满足您的总体业务目标,并帮助您适当地管理网络安全威胁. 第一个, we conduct a thorough risk assessment, so that we can identify weaknesses in your organization’s security framework. Taking into account factors such as the size of the company, 业务目标, 风险承受能力, 和预算, we create an information security program development roadmap. This roadmap may include policies and standards, intrusion detection and monitoring programs, 增强的文档, 及/或透过培训及招聘,提高现有资讯科技人员的技能. Great design only manifests itself through great implementation. LBMC网络安全可以帮助您的团队以有效且可管理的方式执行计划的每个步骤, 无论您是随着时间的推移逐步进行更改还是进行全面实施.
6 Steps to a More Secure Environment
- Ensure that you either have or can quickly provision protections against DDoS attacks. 大多数组织不会将这些保护保留在内部,而是选择依赖外部方(isp)进行这种保护, 上游供应商, Cloudflare, Akamai, 等.). If you are unaware of whether these protections are available to you, now is the time to consider your capabilities and plan accordingly.
- 从宣传的角度来看,美国将成为网站污损的目标. 已经有 报告 这个活动的. Ensure that your web applications, 以及相关的平台, are properly patched from a security perspective. 此外, Web应用程序评估 are strongly suggested to determine any other security issues.
- Ensure that security patching is consistent for internal workstations and servers.
- 确保在您的生产和业务网络之间存在适当的分段,以隔离包含工业控制系统(ICS)的任何网络。.
- 执行外部 渗透测试 to understand your security risks from attackers on the internet.
- 执行社会工程测试,重点关注旨在捕获用户凭据的网络钓鱼电子邮件. Also, ensure the multi-factor authentication (MFA) is deployed on all external entry points (cloud, Office365, VPN, 等.).
In the current technological environment, 供应商不仅有帮助,而且有时还需要运行许多业务的某些方面. 同时, each of your vendors presents a unique risk to your organization, 无论是信息安全还是公司产品或服务的可用性. 理解和管理这种供应商风险是任何真正有效的安全程序的关键组成部分. LBMC 网络安全 uses a business-centric and tailored methodology that includes:
- 审查和分析现有的VRM程序,并提出改进建议
- 协作开发供应商调查问卷和改进的风险评估方法
- Conducting assessments on the agreed upon vendor population
With these best practices in place, you can maintain and scale your third-party vendor risk management program.
明升体育app下载虚拟首席信息安全官(vCISO)服务将在战略政策的制定中发挥不可或缺的作用, technology planning and investments in information security at your organization. Collectively, LBMC 网络安全 has 50 years of CISO experience. 作为这个领域公认的领导者, our vCISO services provide an executive level leader with strong technical skills, 战略能力, 以及将人员和流程整合为综合安全方法的才能.
- Identify, evaluate, and measure risks
- 确保遵从性
- 优先考虑补救
- Recommend adjustments to controls
- 建议 & 教育管理
- Provide guidance on the disposition of risks
- Implement security control processes
- Evaluate the effectiveness of security controls
The vCISO will partner with business units to manage the security environment, 设计安全的产品, 并使您的组织能够执行其业务战略,同时保护其在市场中的数据和品牌.