后进先出软件 for Automotive Dealerships
Automotive Dealership 后进先出软件 for CPAs
LBMC 技术 解决方案 offers LIFO software, 会计汽车经销商软件为汽车经销商写与注册会计师的思想. 明升体育app下载后进先出计算软件为新车和二手车提供了一个易于使用的数据界面和全面的车辆数据库. LIFO software is the pinnacle of car dealer software.
该软件为汽车经销商生产和销售的所有符合条件的车辆积累成本数据,并允许用户获取与经销商财政年末持有的库存相关的成本数据. 它还使用基于微软Excel®的报告结果,允许与您的会计软件轻松集成, 比如雷诺兹 & Reynolds, ADP or QuickBooks. 这是有效的, 准确和经济高效的软件解决方案,汽车经销商的后进先出计算.
Converting to LBMC LIFO software is fast and easy. 所需要做的就是输入后进先出层历史和上一年的平均基础成本.
Automotive Dealership 后进先出软件 Industry Leading Features
- Website software downloads to instantly capture updates
- 基于服务器或独立PC的应用程序提供了多个或单个用户
- 数据电子邮件功能使远程用户能够快速访问相同的经销商文件
- Microsoft Excel® based reporting allows for:
- Easy report file transfer between applications
- Report modification and customization
- Linking into paperless accounting file software
- Adjustment fields to provide entry for:
- Inventory write-ups and write-downs
- Manufacturer floor plan and advertising assistance
- Other custom field option
- Estimation tool for year-end allows multiple inventory scenarios:
- Same inventory mix from prior period
- Specific amounts for cars and trucks by manufacturer
- Specific amounts by model line
- Calculations available for changes in year-end or reserve recapture
- Data import feature available
Automotive Dealership 后进先出软件 Pricing
- Cost is based on the number of calculations to minimize cost
- 价格包括访问整个车辆数据库,报告和估计计算
- No set-up or additional fees
- 一年期合同
AutoCPA集团是一个全国性的注册会计师事务所协会,每个注册会计师事务所都专门为汽车经销商提供会计和咨询服务. Our networking with this Group allows us to provide you, 明升体育app下载客户, with the resources of over twenty-five CPA firms serving over 1,800 dealership clients nationwide. 这些公司的共同努力使您始终处于行业发展的前沿, 税务问题, best dealership practices and business solutions.
LBMC的经销商服务团队通过全国团队不断提高明升体育app下载专业知识, 贸易组织, 行业会议, 我们团队的持续专业教育确保明升体育app下载客户与一家致力于了解其组织并取得成功的公司合作.
We are frequent speakers at organizational meetings, as well as sponsor seminars for dealers and office management personnel. 我们还通过与田纳西州汽车协会的联系,积极参与经销商行业, 纳什维尔特许汽车经销商协会和田纳西州汽车数据会计专业人士. 明升体育app下载汽车专家经常在组织会议上发言,并为经销商和办公室管理人员举办研讨会.
Technical Assistance / Support
LBMC LIFO解决方案是由认证的信息系统专业人士在 LBMC 技术 解决方案, LLC. If you need assistance with the software, we are available via e-mail at info@wmmsoft.com or by telephone at 615-377-4600.
We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. 请使用表格发送电子邮件给我们,明升体育app下载专业人员将及时回复您.
Headquarters LIFO Car Dealer Software Nashville, TN:
电话: 615-377-4600
办公时间: 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday
LIFO Car Dealer Software Charlotte, NC:
3800 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 250
LIFO Car Dealer Software Knoxville, TN:
2095 Lakeside Centre Way
If you are seeking general information. Please check out our FAQ page.
If you are interested in more information, 请填写以下表格,以便LBMC技术解决方案专家与您联系.