CRM Integration for 圣人Intacct
通过圣人Intacct与您的客户关系管理平台之间的预配置集成,简化业务流程并消除手动重新输入客户和订单数据. Supported CRM systems include Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Salesforce.
IntegratorPlus transfers critical data 例如客户, 客户地址, 库存, 定价, Sales Order and Sales Invoice information between CRM and 圣人Intacct. This means updates in one system instantly update the other.
IntegratorPlus允许您从任何地方访问数据,从而提高了业务洞察力, 随时使用任何电脑, 智能手机, 或平板电脑. 您的团队获得所有业务信息的单一视图,使他们能够做出更明智、更及时的决策. LBMC技术解决方案具有独特的定位,可以帮助您实现圣人Intacct和CRM集成.
Benefits of IntegratorPlus
- Eliminate re-entry and maintenance – of redundant customer information with automated two-way synchronization
- Improve operational efficiencies – by entering and having available sales orders from either system
- Enhance sales and service effectiveness – with 360-degree view of your customer
IntegratorPlus for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Built on the Microsoft Azure platform, 这种基于订阅的云解决方案允许您利用两个一流软件应用程序的强大功能. IntegratorPlus transfers critical data, 例如客户, 客户地址, 库存, 定价, 合同, Sales Order and Sales Invoice information.
This means that updates in one system will instantly update the other, increasing productivity and streamlining business processes.
IntegratorPlus for Microsoft Dynamics CRM通过在Microsoft Dynamics CRM和圣人Intacct之间提供预配置的集成来扩展您的云解决方案.
Benefits of IntegratorPlus for CRM
- Eliminate manual entry of data in multiple systems and spreadsheets
- 自动更新微软Dynamics CRM与最新的计费和支付信息从圣人Intacct
- 通过简化处理、报告和交易时间来节省时间和金钱
- 通过向您的团队提供来自Microsoft Dynamics CRM的实时财务信息,显著改善收款和现金流
- Easily verify pricing and submit sales orders while on the road. 在Microsoft Dynamics CRM中提交的订单将自动在圣人Intacct中创建
What Makes LBMC 技术 解决方案 Different?
20多年来,LBMC技术解决方案一直通过技术激发伟大. 我们了解可靠的技术基础设施对您独一无二的业务的重要性. 作为你的伴侣, we evaluate your unique business processes and current systems, then identify and apply the most effective solutions.
LBMC技术解决方案是公认的行业标准软件的屡获殊荣的经销商. If your business needs are beyond what an out-of-the-box software can offer, we will tailor a custom software solution to fit your specific business needs.
Our consultants build connections, 培养创新, establish ongoing communication, 并与您合作构建最佳的系统集成选项,以帮助您更好地运营业务. 我们重视客户的经验,并将其作为我们解决方案的重要组成部分,以确保我们赢得您的信任,并随着您公司的发展成为长期合作伙伴.
Whether you need to supplement or outsource a single function, need an ally you can trust, or are in the market for a comprehensive business partner, LBMC技术解决方案和明升体育app下载公司家族可以简单地满足您的业务需求.
We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. 请使用表格发送电子邮件给我们,明升体育app下载专业人员将及时回复您.
Headquarters – IntegratorPlus Nashville, TN:
电话: 615-377-4600
办公时间: 8am-5pm, Monday-Friday
IntegratorPlus Charlotte, NC
3700 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 175
IntegratorPlus Knoxville, TN
2095 Lakeside Centre Way
If you are seeking general information. Please check out our FAQ page.
If you are interested in more information, 请填写以下表格,以便LBMC技术解决方案专家与您联系.